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Breath Experience


Wed 05 / 22 / 2019
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM


Private home


See event description
Margot Biestman
Sense ease and well-being in the breath that moves you!
Students say about being in breathexperience …
“When I let my breath move me freely without controlling it … I
am delighted in discovering something I know in me that I didn’t know
“I can be true to myself … when I make a mistake or feel badly,
I can accept me with less judgment, and wait for the next new breath
without pulling or pushing it … I can accept ‘what is’ without having to
try to change myself or someone else!”
“Breath always is there, waiting for me, even when I leave it.
Breath is my best friend — without making an effort.”
This practice of breathexperience is based on four principles:
- Allowing breath to come and go on its own
- Sensing movement of breath in and through the body
- Being present in the moment
- Participating in the experience of breath without directing it.
There are several ways to learn breathexperience:
- Individual and group classes and workshops
- Hands-on breath dialogue sessions
- Training programs for personal growth
- Training programs to become a practitioner and teacher
New Website:
Phone: 1-415-722-8683
Classes in Breath House — Private Studio, Sausalito
Wednesdays 10:30-12:00
Margot Biestman is an internationally recognized teacher and trainer of breathexperience — a somatic healing practice and art of living — introduced to the United States by Ilse Middendorf and Juerg Roffler. Margot is also an educator with students from ages three to ninety three, an artist, and author of several books and articles Classes and Workshops: Institute for breathexperience:
801 Camelia St. Berkeley, CA