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Attitudinal Healing


Mon 06 / 10 / 2019
3:00 PM to 4:30 PM


Chamarita Room
501 Olima Street
Sausalito California 94965


See event description


Holly A. Bacuzzi
Attitudinal Healing adheres to Principles and Guidelines which form the basis for understanding situations and possible insights.  It is based on ‘A Course in Miracles’, and provides a structure for the group. We create a safe space in which our group members can choose to share joys and sorrows without judgement. Our group pledges confidentiality, so what is said in group, stays in group. Through Attitudinal Healing, we learn to make emotional choices that bring us peace and allay our fears. Not being a therapy group, we believe that we can find our own best answers, and we support each other in doing so. Practicing Attitudinal Healing is like re-arranging the 'furniture of our minds' so that we are more comfortable and emotionally healthy. We'd love to have you join us. For more information, please contact Holly at [email protected].
More from Holly: Almost 20 years ago, I began to practice Attitudinal Healing, which was then based in Sausalito. Over the years, I was  trained as a group facilitator and worked with groups such as Peer-to-Peer, Families of Soldiers, and most recently, my long-term group at San Quentin State Prison. Because of mobility issues, I am no longer able to continue practicing Attitudinal Healing with the San Quentin inmates.
Attitudinal Healing is my own spiritual practice, and I love to practice it with others who are also seeking inner peace and healing in their lives. Our groups follow a specific format and can be of any size, from 3 to 30. The people I envision wanting to give it a try would be those who are feeling the need to be heard about such things as health issues, family issues, etc. The intention of the group is not to sit around and gripe (!), but to give the other group members our full attention while they are sharing a concern of theirs. The focus is not on "stories", but on feelings. It is NOT a therapy group, and any advice-giving or feedback is strictly discouraged. We are there to listen to each other. Often what happens when one person opens up and shares with the group, is triggers an issue for someone else, who may then share from their own experience. Confidentiality of what is shared is paramount. One of the premises is that we each have our own best answers.  Also that giving and receiving are one and the same, and that we are all students and teachers to each other. 
DATES:  Second and Fourth Mondays of the month
TIME:  3:00-4:30pm
PLACE:  Chamarita Room, 501 Olima Street (corner of Coloma Street)
RSVP: Holly Bacuzzi at [email protected]