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Ashby Village invitation: Shifting Zeitgeist..


Sun 08 / 16 / 2020
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM



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Thank you to Ashby Village for extending an invitation  to this presentation.

Ashby Village Arts & Culture Series

Shifting Zeitgeist:
Reflections on the Forces Reshaping the Nation’s Understanding of Race
A presentation by Troy Duster

When:  August16,2020,  2:00–4:00pm

CLICK ON THIS Zoom LINK at time of event:

There is so much going on in this country that it is impossible to even try to summarize the nature and extent of turmoil in either the political sphere or of the many reverberations of the pandemic. There were daily protests on the streets of more than 140 cities for several weeks, and the composition of the protesters was unusually and notably diverse.

So, of course, the next questions are why, and why now, and will it make a difference? Troy Duster will try to address one key aspect of these developments – the shifting portraiture of the idea of racism as “systemic”.

Troy Duster is Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the past- president of the American Sociological Association, and he served as chair of the Board of Directors of the

Association of American Colleges and Universities. He is the author of The Legislation of Morality: Law, Drugs, and Moral Judgment and Backdoor to Eugenics. In the late 1990s, he chaired the Human Genome Project’s National Advisory Committee on Ethical, Legal and Social Issues. He is also Emeritus Silver Professor of Sociology and former Director of the Institute for the History of the Production of Knowledge at New York University.


RSVP Information: [email protected] or 510-204-9200